What's new in the latest RoasTime?

* A brand new look and feel across the app!

We updated RoasTime's UX/UI to be easier to navigate for more intuitive and efficient workflows.

And because we like pretty software, we gave it an aesthetic makeover, too. ;)

* Multi-lingual support in eight different languages

English, Danish, Spanish, Chinese, Thai, Korean, German, and Japanese are all supported, with more to come.

* Improved “Roast Recipe” creation workflow

Temperature Triggers are now decoupled from Time Triggers, making it easier and more intuitive to create Roast Recipes with the IBTS probe.

* Improved "Create a Bean" workflow

RoasTime 4's new in-app browser allows you to access Roast.World without needing to login to another browser. This is particularly handy when you need to Create a Bean and add it to your Bean Inventory before you roast it for the first time.

* Modernized code -- everywhere!

We split the RoasTime 4 app into separate software components that can each be independently updated, which means faster deployment of new features and less intrusive bug fixes, as well as improved app performance across all platforms.